An image alerting about the old version of the browser with some written text core

When referring to ASP.NET Core, consider it the cross-platform version of what we call ASP.NET. This framework is open source and usually chosen over the typical technology for developing most of the new applications.

Simply put, the core version of comes with an optimized app development platform deployed either to the cloud or private servers.

Providing a modular component design and decreasing the overall overhead, the framework allows users to enjoy high flexibility when creating solutions. But it is still far from perfect.

Hence, consult experts who know how to make the most from core. And at DIBS Technologies, we help customers realise the best solutions leveraging the benefits of this technology. Just give us a call to know, HOW!


Here are the advantages you cannot miss when working with Core.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility

Gone are the old days when the technology was only limited to the Windows platform. With core, the flexibility to use the framework across different operating systems has grown manifold.

The technology is compatible with macOS and Linux along with Windows.

  • Easy Maintenance

Managing applications on core is very simple. Developers can detect almost all the defects in the early stage using a variety of development tools.

In addition, it becomes convenient to manage a project’s code base with the support that Visual Studio Intellisense offers. Therefore, the development task simplifies further allowing freshers and developers a smooth start.

  • Hassle-Free Web API Integration

The framework offers the simplest way for designing API connections between the front-end and external systems. It also helps in updating the related API documentation accordingly.

Being a part of the development platform, the Web API is simple to integrate using Swagger. What’s interesting is that the documentation generates automatically with Swagger.


While the framework is one of the best, it does have a few glitches needing attention.

  • Applications Still Not on ASP.Net Core

Although the first core version came out in 2016, there are many web solutions that still are utilizing the older .NET framework. This restricts users from utilizing the features and perks associated with the core version.

On a positive note, a few years might change that legacy problem. And hopefully, existing products coded using .NET move to the latest core framework by then.

  • Vast Difference from the Older Version

While it is a big achievement, a huge leap forward to developing core brings more challenges for learning the new framework. Hence, resulting in a steep learning curve requiring huge time and effort from developers to become familiar with newer concepts.

  • Limited Functionality with Cross-Platform

Undoubtedly, Core has the support for the cross-platform operation. However, there are still a few tools that do not work very well on other operating systems than Windows itself.

On the brighter side, the application is evolving to become as competitive as it is on Windows for other operating systems as well.
