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Utilizing a service/controller-based architecture, Angular is a very popular web application framework created in Google’s TypeScript which is a superset of JavaScript. The applications developed using Angular use a controller for data flow management and further passes data to the view.

The framework is highly flexible and is used extensively by developers. It offers developers components for coding and rewriting those code while being easy to maintain.

Best suited for large and complex applications, the framework allows the development of scalable as well as modular solutions.

At DIBS Technologies, we have experts who understand ins and outs of Angular to offer customers the best solutions. Get in touch with us to know more about this framework.


Here are some of the major advantages Angular offers:

  • Reusability of Components

Unlike its predecessor using the model view architecture, Angular features a component-based structure. This means that Angular provides better reusability of components during the entire lifecycle of app development.

Not just that, the strict components hierarchy makes every UI element a component in itself on every other screen.

  • The Long-term support (LTS)

Google has the framework’s backing. In other words, Google is responsible for the development of this platform’s ecosystem further and for strengthening its place among the competition.

This is why Angular is such a dependable framework among developers.

  • Extensive Tools Available

There are many plug-ins, packages as well as development tools available for Angular. This makes this framework robust and highly capable.

Moreover, these extra tools help developers during the development phase in case they find themselves stuck. These add-ons further simplify the development process to make the process hassle-free.


There are a few limitations of Angular you might like to learn about.

  • Steep Learning Graph

Requires developers to understand and learn a vast array of topics including various modules, components, dependency injection, services, and more. Also, those experienced working with JS will find it a little difficult to learn this framework.

  • Limited SEO Functionality

Angular is a single-page application (SPA). Therefore, the framework offers very limited SEO functionality. Although developers can prerender this framework with the help of Angular Universal, it does imply more effort.

  • Not Suitable for Small Apps

Within Angular, components management is way too complicated. For example, you might need more than five files for a single component. Along with that, you must inject dependencies, as well as declare the lifecycle interfaces for the component.

All this makes Angular verbose. Therefore, the framework isn’t best for small apps. Rather it is preferred for complex systems.
